
Hello blogos,

Well John and I decided to go Paleo.  We are on day 2 and it is going pretty good.  Last night was a major challenge because we were at the family party and oh those sweets looked amazing.  I did really well and didn’t have one sweet treat.  For about an hour after that I still wanted one, but I didn’t give into my craving.  We decided to go Paleo, not necessarily to lose weight, but just to get on a healthier eating track.  John and I eat fairly healthy, but we definitely like to indulge in crackers and desserts.  So for our future years, we decided that now would be a great time to work on eating healthier and not as much processed food.


Day 1

Breakfast: 2 eggs and an orange

Lunch: Tuna, apple, veggies

Dinner: Family party food (I ate salad, ham, veggies)

Workout: Running on the treadmill for 30 minutes

Day 2

Breakfast: 2 eggs, 1/2 avacado, 2 pieces of bacon

Lunch: Tuna, 1/2 avacado, apple, veggies

Dinner: Salmon and roasted veggies

Workout: Elliptical for 10 minutes, bench press, tricep pull down, lat pull down, abs

I am really excited for the transformation of this diet, but really it isn’t a diet, it is a lifestyle.  It is going to be difficult for a while to get over the cravings I have of treats and crackers, but I know that it will be worth it.

Stay tuned for progress.

TMI but too funny

Ok so funny story for you all.

Two days ago, I needed to use the bathroom.  I went up around 12:00pm and then again around 2:00pm.  My first trip, I saw that the toilet paper was low in the stall I was in.  However, I was able to finish my business and go back down to work.


My second visit went something like this…

I walked into the same stall and sat down, started my business (#2) FYI, knowing #2 is important to this story.  While I sat there, I looked to my right and there was no toilet paper.  The girl who was in the restroom was on her way out, so I was on my own.  Now you would think, just use the seat protectors to clean up…um no. I have done that before and it is not pleasant.  So I thought for a moment…ok what if i just moved stalls?  That is what I did.


I listened…no one came in so I hurried and pulled my pants up enough so I wouldn’t trip and moved one stall to the left.  I looked to my right and there was no toilet paper AGAIN!  “SHIT.”  So i proceeded to move one more stall to the left and I struck GOLD!!! There was toilet paper!!! I was so relieved.  I had to have moved one more stall I would have had to gone to the other end of the restroom.  And who would have known if someone would have walked in by then.  Oh and yes, I made it to two different stalls without falling and without having anyone walk in on me.

End of February

Well, February is basically over, which I am pretty glad about that.  I think by the end of some months, I am just ready to have them be done and over with.  It makes it a little difficult when you feel like a month is dragging on and on.


Since March is up to bat, I am really not sure what it will bring except my birthday.  I think that I have finally hit a point where I’m not that excited about my birthday.  In previous years, I would count down, go out and celebrate and do something really fun, but this year I am just not feeling it.  So who knows what this birthday will bring.


Mom’s pancreas flared up again yesterday, which was not a happy surprise.  The good thing is that she was able to catch it early enough so the docs won’t have to go in and do invasive surgery.  We are hoping that she will be released from the hospital tomorrow.


My photography is going well.  If you have checked out my site, take a minute to look:  It has been so much fun learning more about photography and taking pictures of family and friends.  So if you are in the market for new family pictures, senior pictures, wedding photography or who knows what else, give me a call.


Well, I know this post isn’t much, but it’s about all I can do right now.


A new year

I guess that it has been a while since I posted something on this blog.  I think I have been a little consumed with my photography blog and I just haven’t taken the time for this one.  As I sit here in my PJ’s on a Sunday morning watching some morning Sunday show and eating Apple Jacks for breakfas,t, I think about how great of year John and I have had.  John and I have done so many fun things this year.  We have gone to the cabin, hiking, snowshoeing, camping, dancing and so many other things.  I am so excited about this upcoming year.  So stay tuned and I will do my best to keep this blog updated.

Well, I guess it has been a while since I have posted much of anything.  Quite a few things have transpired over the last few weeks, which somehow I can’t believe tha time has passed so quickly.  So here is a little summary to get you caught up on what is happening in the John and Christie Show.

1. We celebrated our first wedding anniversary by enjoying a beautiful day in Park City and an amazing dinner at The Roof in downtown Salt Lake City.

2. My car got broken in to (well it was my fault for not locking the doors).  Nothing major was stolen, just my change and case of mixed cd’s from high school.

3. The house we live in finally sold.  We have been told that the new owners want to keep us here, but we’re still not sure about all of that yet.

4. John and I both helped set up for the Clark Planetarium Gala

5. My best friend Kandis had her first baby boy named Caleb

6. John installed a new garage door at my parent’s house

7. I cleaned out a lot of old clothes out of my closet and bought new items this past weekend

8. I went contra dancing for the first time with my friend Marti.  It was AWESOME!

9. John went hunting with his brother…haven’t heard if they got a deer or not

10. I almost have enough money to buy the camera I want to start my photography career out with!


That about sums up the last 4 weeks.  I will make a better effort at keeping my blog up to date.


A lot of things happen in the first years of a couples life together.  Some happen when dating and some happen after the wedding.  John and I just celebrated our 1st year wedding anniversary.  We couldn’t believe how fast this past year has gone by.  What blows our mind even more is that we have been together for 2 years now.  It is amazing how when you find the person you are supposed to be with how time just passes by before your eyes, but you don’t even know it because you are looking into the future together.


John and I were able to do some fun things for our 1st anniversary together.  We went and got a massage, enjoyed a ride down the alpine slide and roller coaster.  Then we ended the evening with a beautiful dinner at The Roof Restaurant.  What a beautiful day to have spent time together.


Some of the firsts we were able to do together this year were:

1. Share our first dance as a married couple

2. Move into our very own apartment

3. Go on  a honeymoon (*wink, *wink)

4. Try out some crazy recipes

The list could go on forever and ever, but the important thing is that in this last year together we have shared tears, laughs, love and wonderful memories that we will be able to reminisce about and tell our children.  I am just so thankful to be married to a wonderful man who loves me because I love him more than anything.


Happy Anniversary Johnboy.  I love you.


babies on my mind

Over the course of the last nine months, I guess you could say that babies have been on my mind.  My sister in-law, best friend and a girl at work have been pregnant, had their baby or are still pregnant and have a few more months to go before their “bundle of joy” is here.  Tonight some of the things that come along with pregnancy set in and got me thinking and I’m not even pregnant….what gives?  I think it has something to do with the fact that when you are pregnant, your body takes over.  Your brain is no longer running the show.  It is all to do with your hormones and the chemistry in your body.


When it is my turn to be pregnant, I think  that I am most scared about what my body is going to look like after all is said and done.  I think that when women are pregnant, it is beautiful.  There is something about a woman’s body that is so beautiful when they are pregnant, I’m not really sure what it is, maybe because I haven’t experienced it yet.  Anyway, my fear is that I am going to look worse that what I already do now.  In which case, I don’t think I look horrible, but I no where near a “knock-out” as far as looks go.  I honestly don’t know or understand how women go through this insane body/hormone change and come out of it still being happy with themselves.  I know that is a totally shallow statement, but what do you even do when you are done being pregnant?  I know some women, hit the gym as soon as they can or some continue to wallow in the fact that they no longer have this baby inside them and they continue to gorge themselves on the pregnancy diet or there are even some women who eat nothing but veggies or nothing at all jus to try and lose the weight.  Where is the happy medium to find the balance of loving your body and still feeling confident about yourself.  How do you get over the fact that after having a baby your body is completely different?


I know that babies and children are special and wonderful in their own ways, but why does it have to take such a toll on the body?  Part of this whole thought of having kids, makes me not want to have them because I don’t want to lose the body that I have now even though it is not all that great to begin with (as far as looks go).  Then there are those women who have those tiny bodies where when after they have a baby their body goes back to exactly how it was before.  How is that even possible?  I know we were all created the same (but different with genetics) but why is it that a pregnancy has to change your body in such a way where you might not feel beautiful?


I have no idea.  My head feels lost in a baby blunder and I am not really sure how to get it out of it.  I guess the good thing is that I know that I am not having a baby any time soon.  That is at least my hope because I know that I am not ready….yet.


New Blog

Well it is official, I started my photography blog.  I am so excited to start this new adventure of learning what it takes to be a great photographer.  Now, just because I am starting this new adventure, doesn’t mean that I am going to forget about all of you checking in to see what I am up to.  But I do ask that as you read through my posts on this blog, you wander over to ChristieJane Photography.  I am very proud of what I have done so far and can’t wait to put more pictures up.


Thank you for all your support.  Who knows, maybe I’ll see you on the other side of the lens.

From beginner to expert

Now that I have had a real good taste of what it is like to be a real photographer, I have decied that it would be a good idea to start a blog about my photography.  My plan is to go through things that I have learned, tips and tricks that I have come across, my hopes and wishes and really just whatever else I can think of pertaining to blogging.


I am very excited to start out this new adventure.  Plus I’ll be posting picture soon of a photoshoot of my neice Alley!!! I can’t wait!


I have always considered myself to be a good photographer.  I love taking pictures.  My current camera is a Cannon Elph.  I have absolutely loved using this camera.  This is the best camera for the random moments, family get togethers and the “quick get a picture of that.” 


After John and I got married, I decided that I really wanted to take my photography to the next level.  I called up our wedding photographer and started going to photoshoots and weddings with her as an assistant.  The best part about it is that she let me use her back-up camera.  I get to take pictures that she also includes on her website and with the complete dvd’s of all the images.  After a good taste of being in the wedding circut, I decided that this is something I wanted to persue. 


I have been searching all over the Web and finally found a body of a 5D mark ii for just over 1,000 bucks.  I know this sounds like a lot of money, but in retrospect if I can book photoshoots to put back the money I used (and then some) then it will all work out.  The next big purchase is a good lens.  I have been told by many that if I can find a body that is great, but what I need to find is a great lens.  With some of the websites that  I have looked at most of the lenses are almost as expensive as the camera.  Crazy!  But so worth it. 


I am excited and nervous at the same time.  Camera equipment is expensive, but worth it in the end if you get the right stuff.


The last weekend in April, John and I went to Kodachrome Basin with the AP Environmental Science class at Highland High.  It was a great weekend.  The weather was great, the food was delicious and the 75 foot repel was AWESOME!  Also not to forget the other mini repels we had to do going down the rest of the canyon.  Needless to say,  John and I were very sore by the end, but we had a blast!

Here is a picture of us at the beginning of the repel

Just look at our awesome repelling muscles!!!


We also took a drive to where a few of the different river washes met up in this beautiful canyon.

Toward the end of our little drive, we found a little goblin village.  It was soooo cool!  We played and climbed all over.

When we got back to camp, a giant moth decided to grace us with its presence.  It was huge, yet beautiful.



Overall it was a great trip!

A weekend with out John

Well this weekend John went down to Vegas.  You think it would be forbidden now that we are married, but he is down there working at a volleyball tournament.  Having John be gone for 4 days, you think I would be excited and wanting to go out with the girlfriens, but I really miss him and wish that he didn’t have to leave in the first place.


Is it sad that I really haven’t done much since he left?  I went to work, come home and watch a movie.  Nothing exciting.  You would think that because he was gone that I would find things to do, the problem is I like doing things with him.  He’s my best friend. 


However, I am glad that we were able to spend all of Tuesday together.  We went shopping at Hobby Lobby, JcPenny, walked around Ikea, had dinner at Paradise Bakery and topped it off by playing Monopoly.  It was a great day together. 


The good thing about him being gone is that I get to look forward to him returning 🙂 



This year I turned 25.  Lately the popular saying is 40 is the new 30, well where does 25 fit in?  25 is the new…? 

I would almost have to say that 25 is just 25.  You really can’t escape from it.  For one reason, now being 25, you really don’t want to be older than you are, but then again you don’t want to be younger.  The age, 25 stands alone.  Some say it is time for a quarter life crisis, but what is that really supposed to encompass?  I think 25 is an age to start living.  There are so many opportunities that await because I am 25.  I am not exactly sure what, but I know that adventures are coming.

I think that year 25 is going to be a great one.


I am just sooo excited to tell the blogging world about my fun news. 🙂

A girl in my office is getting married in May.  We have been chatting about wedding stuff off and on all week.  I gave her my contacts for flowers and photography.  She was so happy to have some help and work with people at a reasonable price. 


So yesterday (friday) she called the photographer, Kelly and told her she would like to book.  In the meantime I emailed Kelly and told her that Nicole is my friend and we work together, you would love her.  Anyway, so Kelly called me a little after that email was sent and we chatted for a few.  What was crazy was that there was another bride who wanted to book on the same day.  But, Kelly said she would much rather work with Nicole, partly because she knows me, but I think they would be a good fit. 


So continuing on our conversation, I asked Kelly if I could come learn.  I’ve taken a photography class before and knew somethings, but haven’t really practiced.  So anyway, I asked her about tagging along and helping her and also taking some pictures.  She loved, LOVED the idea of that and so the exciting part is I get to play photographer at bridals, engagements and at weddings.  I am sooo EXCITED!


The funny part about the whole day was that Nicole said, “I never thought in a million years that you would be so involved in my wedding.”  I said, “Me neither.”


What a great Friday.


The world wide question tonight is…”What do you want for dinner?”  I know that in my family that was the question each night (unless we had leftovers).  Normally leftovers were finished up during lunch time.  Now that I am married, dinner is a whole different ball game.  I only have to please 2 people.  Me and John.  In reality, I know how to cook for 4-8 people.  This was a major change after I got married.  My reciepes have scaled down and now I cook for 2-4 people.  John and I still love leftovers. 


Well tonight was the question…”What do you want for dinner?”  A couple of suggestions were tossed between texts and a decision wasn’t made.  Pizza, meatballs and rice…pasta…no decision. 


Over the weekend, we went down to Delta to hang out with parents.  We came back with some of John’s things and a couple of new cookbooks.  I tried one muffin reciepe and loved it.  For some reason I have had a hankering for bisciuts.  Don’t ask why…cause I don’t know.  So there is a buscuit reciepe in this new book.  So tonight I tried it.  John doesn’t even know.  He doesn’t get home till after 8pm. 


Everyone knows that you can’t just have biscuits for dinner, as good as that would be.  So I cooked up some chicken.  I didn’t want just normal chicken, I wanted something more.  So I called mom and asked here about breading chicken and then baking it.  We came up with crushed rice krispie cereal and some seasoning.  I think it will turn out.


So the answer to the question; What do you want for dinner tonight is….Breaded Chicken and biscuits. 


Betty Crocker, you’ve got competition.

New Years Eve

I will be honest, normally NYEve is a let down each year of my life.  It is normally filled with the same old boring movies and parties (at least before married life).  However, this year John and I changed our plans and made it the best NYEve we have both had in a long time.


We were house sitting at my parents and trying to figure out what to do for NYEve.  We decided that it would be fun to go shooting.  So we called up Lee and Ian and headed to Eureka for the night.  What a crazy night it was.  We made a yummy soup and grilled cheese sandwhiches on an antique stove and they turned out great.  Ian also gave us the tour around the house.  It is basically comparable to a museum, so pretty much awesome.  If you didn’t know, Eureka is an old mining town.  Anyway, so we ate dinner, watched a movie and then around 10:30 we loaded up the cars with guns, ammo, targets and clay pigeons.  We shot it up till about 12:30am because it was freezing and headed back to the house. 


After we made it back, we put in Jerimiah Johnson. And if you haven’t seen that movie, it is only good once every 5-10 years.  I made it through about 1/2 and then went to bed.  I will say, I was pretty proud of myself for staying up till about 3am.  Normally, I am like a grandma and go to bed between 10 and 10:30pm. 


It was a great NYEve party.  I hope we get to do it again next year.


Dear friends who read my blog,


It has been a while since my previous post.  Many things have happened one thing in particular, which has made a significant impact on my life.  Just after Christmas, my Uncle Dave passed away.  This was all expected after months of seeing his illness take over and his body start to slow down. 


Uncle Dave was no ordinary uncle.  He was the uncle that made you laugh, give you hugs, wipe the tears from your eyes and be almost like another father to you.  He was a very special person to many people.  He was like a father to me.  For this I am grateful.  His love for me was the sweetest most pure love an uncle could have for a neice. 


Uncle Dave gave me my first job at the Jewish Community Center aka JCC aka the J.  It had been a home to me for about 7 years.  It has been a home to him for about 10 years.  He was one of the best managers I could have ever been managed by.  I learned a lot from him that first year before I moved to the desk.  He is loved by so many people at the JCC, it is almost overwhelming to see and feel the love they had for this one man. 


There was never a day where Uncle Dave was never prepared to go to bat for me while I worked at the JCC.  On occasion, I would run into problems or trouble and I knew that I could always talk to him about it and he would help me in any way he could.  He was such a strong individual, where most believed that he was a very tough guy, but down deep he is one of the sweetest men I know and love.

Uncle Dave was recognized as Employee of the Year at the JCC.  He humbly accepted this great honor.  That night he spoke so beautifully.  He talked about prayer and how he could feel the prayers of those who would pray aloud or silently.  How no matter what your religion might be, he felt your love and support for him through those prayers and was so grateful for how they comforted him during his last days.


Some of my favorite moments with Uncle Dave would be when he would come by the house for lunch and enjoy a sandwhich at the “Smith’s Deli” (as I would call our kitchen).  I always enjoyed hearing Dave talk about his opinion on politics or what Rush Limbaugh had to say about a certain subject, or even just chatting about whatever might be on his mind. 


Uncle Dave’s funeral was beautiful.  The words spoken couldn’t have been put any better.  It was beautiful.  His life was honored, celebrated and cherished.  I love my Unkie Dave.  I miss him very much, but I know that I will be able to see him again and have lunch at the Smith’s Deli.


Love you Unkie Dave.


Where does the time go?

My goodness, I didn’t realize I hadn’t written anything for a little over a month.  For this post, I would like to tell you about the project John and I have been working on over the last month.

As the Christmas season approaches, I enjoy taking time to reflect, grow, learn and be even more compassionate to those we know and don’t know.

Each year in John’s family puts together the amount of money that they would spend on each other toward a family in need.  This year it is our turn to find a family and help out by providing items that are needed.  I am very excited and thankful for this opportunity to serve Christ’s children in need.  This is where the spirit of Christmas is.  It is in serving the Lord and his Son by serving his children.


A little catch up

Ok, so i realize that I have not posted anything for quite some time now.  I guess some would say that I have fallen off the face of the earth because i got married, well i think in some respect that is true.  Looking back now, i didn’t that getting married would change much of my daily routine and habbits.  Now i wouldn’t say this change is bad or good; its just different.

All in all, being married is great. 

John and I were able to go on a honeymoon, middle of October.  We went to West Yellowstone.  It was a wonderful and very needed vacation.  After changing jobs, planning a wedding and then going right back to work took a lot of energy.  By that time in October, we both were zonked.

It was so beautiful and peaceful there.  The weather was great. we had sun both days we taveled around.  We saw so many magnificent sites.  There were some places that I would never imagine to ever be in Yellowstone.  One of those places is the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone.  Talk about AMAZING!  If you have never seen this site, you must go.  It is truely stunning. 

We also spent some time around town which was fun.  They have so many of the same tourist shops.  You could almost walk into one store and go the next and get the same thing for less…well or more.  Depends.

It was a great trip.  We can’t wait to go back and go fishing.


Christmas? Already?  What?  As I am sure you all have seen it in the stores, isles for Christmas decor is startin to appear.  If you know me and know me well, you know that I LOVE Christmas.  For both religion and the decor. 


I am writing this post, mainly because I cannot wait to decorate my house and make it all cozy with Christmas.  From my previous post, I have found so many cute do it yourself Christmas ideas that I cannot wait to try.  I have a feeling they are going to be so fun and so cute when I get finished creating whatever it might be.  Today, I found these large Christmas ornaments that were actually styrafoam balls covered in glitter.  I mean; How cute is that and how cheap?  Seriously.  Who said you had to break the budget to decorate for Christmas or any other holiday for that matter.


I can’t wait to buy our 1st little christmas tree and decorate it with my hubby and spend our first Christmas as a married couple together.  It is going to be such a fun time.  Even Santa has a chiminey to come down.  I can’t wait to put our stockings there to have Santa fill them.  Yes, you may think that Santa is not real, but I know that he exists and brings about a wonderful spirit among fellow men. 


What I also can’t wait to do, is to make yummy holiday food.  You know what I am talking about.  It is the type of food that you only eat one time during the year.  This would be stuffing, turkey, gravey, green bean cassarole, pies and all the other amazing food that is baked and cooked during this wonderful season.  And I get to make that for John and I.  It is soooo exciting. 


What a wonderful year ahead it is going to be.  So many firsts, it will be great.

Pinterest? I say Yes!

Have you heard of pinterest?  It is one of the best sites I have come accross searching the internets for craft, baking, and anything you can think of ideas.  I am definately loving what it has to offer.  I have even tried one of the recipes and it was awesome.  I highly recommend checking it out.  The cool thing is, even if you don’t want to sign up for an account, you can totally just browse.  So awesome!


Well if you ever are pinterested (haha) come find me.  I’ll share my pins with you!

A Country Reception

The following night on Saturday was the reception down at John’s home in Hinckley, Utah.  The day couldn’t have been any more beautiful. The sun was up, there were a few clouds in the sky and there was just the slightest breeze in Millard County.  For those who haven’t traveled to Hinkley, there is always a wind of some kind blowing every day and all day long. We somehow lucked out and there was only the slightest breeze.  The weather was perfect. 


John and I slept in and took our time getting down home.  We stayed at a bed and breakfast the night before and enjoyed the yummy breakfast cooked by the host.  It was delicious.  Before we headed down, we stopped by the house to pick up some things. 


The evening began at 7pm.  Jane (john’s mom) made her backyard so beautiful. She spent all summer working on it and it was stunning.  She had country charm, which made it so cute.  She even brought in a real vintage surrey.  It was just amazing.  John and I both enjoyed this evening, being that it was a little more low key in the actual day of events.  It was really just another wonderful evening that I was able to spend with him and family.  After the line, John and I danced some, at delcious cobbler, took cute pictures and just had a ball with our guests.  It was wonderful.


I am just so thankful for him and his family and for how welcomed and loved I felt now officially part of the Ekins clan.  They are an amazing family.  I love them all.

Sadie, Sadie, Married Lady

Well, its official now…I’m married.  I couldn’t be happier.

Friday morning, I woke up just ready to explode with happiness knowing I was going to marry the man of my dreams for time and all eternity.  There was so much to do that morning before heading to the temple, but it didn’t matter when I got there. The Temple is so beautiful.  I was so excited to have gone inside and seen what people are talking about inside.  It is truely a sacred and beautiful place. 

My sweet mom helped me change into my temple clothes.  John was waiting for me in a separate room.  The sweet temple worker walked me to him.  I cried, just a little.  Tears of joy and happiness.  I hugged him and we were off to the sealing room where Elder L Tom Perry sealed us together for time and all eternity.  It was such a special blessing.  To know that by preparing to enter into the temple of the Lord and be sealed in his gospel with John is wonderful.  Elder Perry was so sweet and charming.  He is an amazing man and I am just so thankful to have had him seal us together.  After the sealing, we greeted all who attended and then we were off to change.


Thankfully Kandis was there to help me lace up.  My dress takes 5 minutes to get out of but 20 minutes to get in.  I love my dress.  It was one of the most special items I found for my wedding.  It was vintage and country and just simply beautiful.  It had just enough lace and beadwork to make it charming.  After I was dressed, I met john at the temple doors to greet everyone and take pictures. 

Wow, did we have to cruise through that or what.  We were on such a time schedule that we didn’t have much time to take time.  But I know that my photographer did a great job at getting what we needed as far as traditional photos go and then some special ones of John and I. 

So what I have yet to mention is that after the temple we headed to the luncheon and it started to rain.  Thankfully we made the call the day before to have tents set up so we could keep the cement patio some what dry for the reception. 


The reception was beautiful.  Kim (wedding decorator and friend) did an amazing job. She is so skilled and talented in this line of work.  I love working with her and creating something so beautiful.  She really topped herself with my wedding.  It was stunning.  I loved every single piece about it.  She really kept me in mind when creating the space to make it what it is. 


The schedule for the evening was a lot more easier.  We had a line for 1 hour and then we did the traditional first dance and daddy daughter dance.  It was such a special moment with John and then with my Dad.  I am so glad that I got to share that with dad.  He is one of the the most amazing men I have ever known in my life.  I love him so very much.  He is one of my best friends.  After the traditional wedding stuff, it was time to party!!! We had so much fun dancing.  I am so glad that we made it a party and just had the time of our life.  I couldn’t have asked for anything better. 


We ended the night and drove off as everyone cleaned up.  What an amazing night.  Worth everything that went into making it so wonderful.

Recipe Blog

So…I am thinking of starting a recipe blog.  I figure, since I am starting my newly married life in 2 weeks, it would be fun to try out new recipes, share my recipe secrets and share the “secret” recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation.  Also, I think it would be fun to have others share their own recipes and coment on their successes and failures. 


So what do you think?

My Johnboy

Wow.  Time flies when you are planning a wedding.  To all my blog readers, sorry I have not posted any summer adventures.  I guess the biggest adventure this summer is that I have been planning my wedding, which is taking place in 16 days.  I still can’t believe it on some days. 

In all honesty, I am so excited to have found the man of my dreams.  John has been such a blessing in my life.  He is the sweetest most loving man and I am so excited to be his wife, friend, love and companion through the rest of the days in this life and continued on in the next.  He knows how to calm me when I’m upset, he eases my frustrations, makes me feel special, makes me feel beautiful.  I don’t know how I found such a man, but I’m glad I found him.  He is wonderful.



I love the cabin.  I love everything there is to love about the cabin.  I love sitting and listening to all the sounds of nature and taking in the fresh air.  I always believe that when I go there, I feel like I’m cleaning my lungs out from the dirty city air.  I love to watch movies, read books, look through old books, take naps, go on walks, hikes and play in the river.  I just love the cabin.  It has become a special place for me to go.  I always am at ease while visiting the mountains.


This last weekend, I was able to spend the weekend there and just enjoyed every minute of it. 



John and I were able to go visit Diane’s Ranch (Alpha Sorority Advisor).  It was just beautiful.  We plan on taking some of our engagement pictures there.


This is me at Smith and Moorehouse Resivoir.


John practicing his Yoga Tree Pose.


It was a great weekend.  I can’t wait for the 4th of July weekend coming up!

My 2 Moms

Most people will tell you that they have an “adoptive mom.”  I think this is true for many people.  There are so many moms who look after us.  We should feel blessed to have them in our lives as an extra guardian angel.  I know that I feel blessed to have them in my life.


Over Memorial weekend, my mom and dad went to visit my adoptive parents, Rob and Mary.  They live in Nevada City, California.  It a beautiful part of California.  Until going there a couple of years ago, I never would have thought that California has beautiful mountains and amazing forests.  So once mom and dad arrived back at home, I sat down with mom because she had some presents for me.


Her and Mary got me something borrowed, something new and something blue.  It was the sweetest gift I could have ever received from my moms.  My something borrowed were two cameo pins to make into a necklace.  They belonged to her great-grandmother.  The something new is a pair of beautiful earring that match my dress.  They have a small rhinestone diamond ball and then a champagne pearl on the bottom.   Simple yet beautiful.  The something blue will be a ribbon that will be attached to my garder belt. 


This is why I have two wonderful moms.  Not because they bring me special presents, but because they are my guardian angels watching over me.

Chic-ly Gaudy

So far in my bridal journey, I feel that I have been a pretty good bride.  I haven’t been too demanding, rude or as we all know the term, “Bride-zilla.”  Nope, I haven’t done much of this.  My recent searches on the World Wide Web have been for bridesmaid dresses.  To be honest, we all know that you want your bridesmaids to look pretty and nice, but not as beautiful as the bride.  Sorry if I just crushed your dreams in being a stunning bridesmaid, but it’s just the way it goes.  I want my bridesmaids to look great and to do that, I want to bring out their best features such as skin tone, curves and bone structure.  I have found such dresses  in my search and wanted to share them with you.

This first picture brings out wonderful features in each bridesmaid.  The ruffles add interest, the waist is pulled in to show off their curves and this skirt is full which makes it fun to twirl in.  My favorite part about these dresses is the fabric and color.  A shimmering gold to compliment each of the girls skin tones.  It’s a perfect blend of chic and gaudy.

Nothing says wedding like glossy baby blue dress detailed in white lace.  And matching umbrellas of course. 

Now, floral designs bring a whole new life to a wedding.  People are always asking you what kind of flowers you are going to have for your centerpieces or bouquet.  Well what about the flowers your bridesmaids are going to wear on your special day?  Wouldn’t you want someone to ask you what type of rose, daisy, lily or pansy your bridemaids dresses will display.  Flowers are an important part of the wedding decor, you might as well express your flower style on the bridesmaid dresses.

Well when all is said and done it really doesn’t matter what the bridesmaids wear, just as long as the bride looks beautiful.


Has spring sprung?  Somedays, I am unsure if spring is really here or not.  It has been a very wet, cold, snowy spring so far.  That is why, I am unsure if spring is really happening.  Today, it is supposed to be about 79 degrees, which is AMAZING!  I am extremely excited for the beautiful day ahead.  Execpt the fact that I will be spending most of the day in the office.  Oh well, I will enjoy it tomorrow. 

I abolutely love spring.  It is the awakening of from the deep sleep of winter.  Buds, blossoms, birds chirpping, grass growing, it is all beautiful.  It is a breath of fresh air in the morning.  Everyday, flowers, birds and kisses from the sunlight wake-up to say hello.

Spring also brings longer days in the sun, which means summer time will shortly be on its way.  I have a feeling that this spring will last a little longer. 

I am just glad that it is spring time officially…I think?


So many things have happened over the last month, I can’t believe how fast time has gone by. 

My new JOB!!! WoooHooo!!!

I am the new Campus Visit Coordinator for the Student Recruitment Office at the University of Utah.  It has been great!  I am loving all the different tasks, projects, people I work with.  It has been such a great change and blessing for me.  I love working 8a-5p and knowing that I have weekends off, paid time off, holidays and all other kinds of compensation.  My job is to coordinate the campus visits of prospective students.  We take their information and give them a packet of information.  I also schedule advising appointments in the different colleges.  Right now I am working on finding two new student assistants to hire for summer/fall. 

Wedding Updates:

I finished paying off my dress.  My first fitting is on April 23rd.  I am so excited!!! I have the cutest cowboy boots to wear with it!  I can’t wait!!! I have been working so hard on working out and losing weight.  I think I am doing pretty good at it.  I try not to eat as much and stay away from all the sugary yummy good stuff, but i fit a few snacks in between. 

We have a photographer.  We are going to use, Bella Day Photography, check it out at  She has great pictures and came at what I believe to be a good price. 

Right now we are just working on concepts for the reception.  The theme is “country chic.”  Using different kinds of bottles, wild flowers, jars, rustic, old, eclectic windows, doors and whatever else we may find to decorate and display pictures.  I just have a feeling that it is going to look great!  I can’t wait.

First day of…School?

Well, it feels like the first day of school tomorrow.  I have new clothes, new things to learn and new people to meet.  I couldn’t be anymore excited then I am right now.  I am so excited to be learning different things that will help me in my career and in life.  It is going to be so much fun!

I will be working in the Student Recruitment Office.  My title is Campus Visit Coordinator.  I will be coordinating appointments with advisors, tickets for activities, tours, U Night program (for students to stay the night in the dorms). 

I am just so thankful and so happy to have been selected for this position.  I have been looking, applying and interviewing for so many different jobs; I have been waiting for the right one to come along.  I am so thankful for my family to have kept me in their prayers and thoughts and those who have put ‘good words’ in for me to help me along.  I know that all of these things have helped me to get to where I am at today.


When: February 19, 2011

John took me out to dinner at Madelines (in South Jordan) to try out the food because that is where we are having our luncheon.  That night was a dinner theatre and the show was Romeo and Juliet.  So were eating and watching, well it gets to the part where Juliet is on her balcony saying “romeo, romeo wherefore art thou romeo?”  She stopped and said “I think we should have someone from the audience come do this part.  John was totally pointing at me and I didn’t really want to.  So she said, “since he’s throwing you under the bus, why don’t you come do it.”  So I stood up and repeated the lines, then she asked, “who are you with and whats the relation?”  I told her, I am here with my boyfriend John.”  She then said, “well why don’t you use his name instead and lets put a blindfold on too.”  So I said the lines again, “John, John wherefore art thou John.”  As soon as I finished she pulled off the blindfold and there John was down on one knee and he said, “I’m right here Christie, Will you Marry Me?”

It was a great surprise.  He couldn’t have planned it any better.

A New Year

Seeing as how 2010 is now gone, 2011 is in full swing.  I can’t believe how fast time passes, seasons change and how months seem to get shorter.  It is interesting to look at today and think about time and how miniscule it is compared to eternity “the BIG picture.”  Though as fast as time seems to come and go, I still plan on trying to be the best me and doing things I love to do. 

I am excited to start a fresh year, make new friends, have new challenges, and who knows…maybe get married (that will be an entirely different blog post at somepoint).  In this new year, I am hoping to be happier, healthier, friendlier, a money saver, more optomistic, more loving and compassionate.  These are only a few things I want to invest myself more deeply in.

I hope that as you start your new year, you will be excited for all the new things that are to come.  Love you all.

MeRrY ChRiStMaS!!!

Merry Christmas everyone! 

Christmas is always a special time for me.  I LOVE the lights, the colors, the decorations and the spirit felt throughout the month.  I LOVE driving around looking at light displays at different houses.  Even the most simple design is beautiful.  I LOVE when a fresh layer of snow has just fallen and it makes everything sparkle.  I LOVE when it snows in big fluffy flakes.  It makes me feel as if I am in a snow globe.  I LOVE the smell of pine trees and the aroma filling the house.  I LOVE the smell of freshly baked goodies.  I LOVE to wrap presents and make each one special and beautiful.  I LOVE spending time with my family and sharing the day with them.  I LOVE hiding Smokey and Lucy’s Christmas presents under the tree and watching them hunt.  I LOVE to sing Christmas songs when mom plays the piano. 

One of my favorite things I love doing is decorating for Christmas.  If you have ever been to my house, you will see that we love Santa.  Santa is very alive in our family, and will always be.  My very most favorite statue is of Santa kneeling at baby Jesus’ cradle in the manger.  Each year, I pull this statue out with care then placing in center on the mantel.  It reminds me that even through the commercial that Christmas has become; we need to remember what this day is truly for and it is for Christ.

I wish that you may have a wonderful Christmas full of Love.  Merry Christmas.

I’m A Loser

Since my last semester of college, I have been progressively and continually working out.  I’m building a better me.  That semester I took weight lifting and cardio ball.  These were great classes to get me started.  I made friends, my teachers were great and I started to see results. 

The next challenge after that semester ended was keeping up with everything.  I had to overcome the intimidation of the gym at the J.  Though small in size it was very intimidating.  Especially when there are a lot of fit people who workout there.  It took a few times of going and just practicing my regular routine that I finally felt comfortable.  Now after going and being consistent, I see friends and other gym “buddies” each morning when I workout.  It makes it fun to workout. 

I want you to know that I have no goals to accomplish with all my exercising.  I don’t do well with goals in the weight loss area.  I am just happy with the improvements that I get to see each time I’m lifting weights and running/walking on the treadmill. 

I don’t diet, I just try to eat less of the bad stuff that tastes soooooo good.  I try to eat 6 small portions throughout the day.  It mainly means that I take apples, oranges, granola bars and other good snack food to keep me full and keep my metabolism up.  I love food, there really isn’t a better way to put it.  So I am not about to sacrifice something I love.  That will just cause me more pain.  Haha.  Not really, but you know what I mean.  Plus I am not about to try any weird diet.  I believe that dieting isn’t what it is cracked up to be.  By changing your food intake drastically, your body doesn’t have enough time to catch up.  That is how you lose all the weight first off.  But you might get out of the habit of your diet and gain it all back.  This process is so not fun and so not worth it.

I try to exercise 5 days a week.  MWF, I do about 35-40 min cardio and my weight lifting routine, which takes me about 40 minutes.  T/TH, is all cardio.  I try to do about 40-50 minutes on those days.  My cardio usually consists of hills on the treadmill at about a speed of 4.0.  If I am on the olyptical, I try to do intervals of sprints and jogging.  The important thing is to keep the heart rate up.  My lift routine consists of; bench press, shoulders, triceps, back, biceps (curls for the girls) and low row.  I also try to mix in abs between sets to let that specific muscle recover and so I don’t forget abs at the end.

My starting weight which I recorded back in March 2010 was 210 lbs.  My current weight right now is about 191 lbs.  Even thinking about it is a WOW factor to me.  My favorite part about losing weight is the inches I am losing.  I really could care less about the number of pounds on the scale, I am more interested in the inches that are disappearing around my body.

So, I am a LOSER and dam proud of it!


Hawaii was amazing!  For anyone who hasn’t gone, I highly recommend going.  I mean really, how can you say no to warm weather, moderate climate and beautiful scenery?

Our first day there, we were going to go snorkeling, but the parking lot was full so we ventured on to other beaches around the island.  We stopped and took pictures along the way.  Each beach is so unique and so beautiful.  What I thought was very cool, was that at each beach, the sand was different.  Some sand was fine and small, the other beaches had coarse textured sand.  One of my tasks that week we were there was to gather sand for John.  So we bought a little jar and started collecting sand, seashells and pieces of coral.

As we traveled around the island, we stopped at the Dole Plantation.  It was really cool.  We didn’t take a tour, but they had a nice gift shop and a little pineapple garden so you could have an idea of what they do.  The random part about it was the coy pond.  These fish were huge.  They had food to feed the fish, so as you can see, they were FAT.  As we drove around the island, we found a ranch.  They had movie and jungle tours.  We decided that the next day we would go back and go on a tour.  It was a lot of fun and gave us a different perspective of the island.

On another day, we went paddle boarding.  This was sooooo much fun!  You have a surf board and a paddle.  You then take it out on the water and paddle around.  There was a river next to the place we rented the equipment and we paddled our way up.  I was so sore the next day.  We then hung out at the beach and just relaxed.

My favorite day was when we went snorkeling.  What an experience.  Being able to swim with the fishies was so neat.  You felt like you were a fish right with them.  I was so glad to have brought an underwater camera to take pictures.  It was just sooooo fun!

On our last night we went downtown to Waikiki to do some shopping and wandered around.  It was so much fun walking around and going into all the different stores.  Now, you would think that Hawaii would have different stores compared to the mainland.  Well come to find out, its about the same.  They just have a beach out back. 

On our last day, we went to Pearl Harbor.  This was such a neat experience.  We went out to where you could see the Missouri in the water  from when it went down.  It is a national and living cemetery.  The feeling while looking at the names of all those who died, I don’t know how to put it.  It was a very solemn but joyous in the fact that you knew they were serving on your behalf.  We also went to the aviation museum.  This was really neat.  They had actual planes used in battle.  Driving there was a surreal feeling.  We were driving down the middle of the landing strip of where those planes would land.  I couldn’t believe that all of that happened.

I know that this was not as detailed a review of my trip, but it at least gives you an idea of all the fun we had.  I hope to go back again and just be a beach bum.

Scary Movies

During the Halloween season, scary movies are in a higher abundance than any other time during the year.  At least that is my opinion.  As for myself, I am not big on watching scary movies.  I love movies with a good thrill, suspense and even jumpy moments.  I can’t stand the blood/gore type scary movies.  I think the paranormal movies freak me out.  Seeing as how John and I have been dating, I told him we should watch a scary movie.  Mainly because that was probably going to be the only Halloween activity I participate in.

Not ever watching a scary movie with a boy is a completely different experience, from my point of view.  It is nice because you have someone to hold onto and hold hands with incase you get scared.  I will have to admit, I am one of those girls who jumps, hides and closes their eyes when you don’t want to watch the scary part.

We watched a movie called, “The Cave.”  The actual movie was pretty good.  When the first jumpy part came, oh did i JUMP!  John, laughed at me and said, “I think I know how the rest of the movie is going to go.”  During the rest of the movie, I was jumpy and had to cover my eyes once because it got too gross.  Overall the movie was good, but I think I made better entertainment for John.

My perspective of a guy’s point of view, watching a scary movie:

Guys love scaring girls.  Guys also love protecting girls.  Two very opposite traits, but they tend to go hand in hand. 

The Girl: Ahhhhh, I’m scared

The Guy: (thinking) I’ll make you a little more scared, then I will hold you so you won’t be scared.

The Girl: (laughs) and holds on tighter to guy

Ok well this might not be super accurate, but I think you get the idea as to how the two play hand in hand.  Either way, I have a feeling that for the guy and girl, they don’t mind being scared just a little bit. 

Well, at least I didn’t mind being scared, just a little bit.

Change of Season

The air is cool, crisp and ready for change.  I think I am ready for it also.  I love when the seasons start to change.  Watching leaves bud on trees and blossom into shade on a hot summer day.  Then seeing the leaves change to red and gold as the summer season comes to an end and fall begins.  Storms begin to roll in and brings SNOW!  I love watching the snow fall.  My favorite kind of snow storm is when it appears as if you live in a snow globe.  The snowflakes are big and fluffy.  Everything is quiet and you sit and watch as the flakes fall to the ground ever so gently.  It is one of the most peaceful snowfalls.

Somehow this year, Mother Nature delighted us with a lovely warm October.  The days were perfect.  Though the air would be cool, the sun gave warmth and made it so nice to be outside.  It was as if the sun was kissing the skin of our cheeks.  I loved being outside this month.  Warm afternoons and cool evenings, made it for a very enjoyable month.

Being the last week of October, storms start to roll in and change the season.  Leaves fall from trees, birds fly away and coats are pulled out of a long sleep.  As fall changes to winter, I love to pull out warm blankets, old movies and hot coco.  I don’t think there is anything better than wrapping up in a blanket and watching a movie as snow is falling.

One of my favorite parts about the beginning of winter is watching the storms roll in, but then after the storm leaves there is a light dusting of snow that just enhances the mountainside.  It is almost as if it creates a new world or at least a new dimension of the world that we live on.  Some people say there is life on other planets, which could be true, but I don’t think they have as beautiful place to live as we do.  Every season, every year we get to experience changes in weather.  Each experience brings new emotions, sounds and a glimpse into what the upcoming season has in store. 

Laura and I were up at the cabin just a couple of weeks ago.  We went for a walk on the other side of the road.  As we walked down into the little glade, we stopped and took in the most amazing smell.  It is a mixture of mountain air damp leaves that just have fallen off the trees.  It is divine.  If only it could be bottled, but I’m glad it can’t because then it wouldn’t be as special.  I look forward to this smell every year.  It reminds me of how wonderful nature is and how it brings so much joy into my life.

Meet The Parents

This last weekend, I went with John to Hinkley, Utah.  Home of the Ekin clan.  It is about 2-2.5 hours from SLC.  Thankfully, I only had to meet his parents.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m excited to meet his siblings, but it would have been too much meeting everyone in one shot.  John’s parents, Jane and Gene Ekins have lived in Hinkley for a long time, I’m not sure how long but they know just about everyone. 

John and I arrived at his home Thursday afternoon, got settled in and then ate dinner.  After dinner, Jane and I went to a quilt trunk show.  A woman came and talked about all the quilts she has made.  She brought some and they were just soooo pretty.  After we got back we played Shang Hi (a mix of rummy and uno sort of).  This game is so much fun.  I got pretty good at it…the real trick is trying not to get caught in the end with a hand full of cards.  I think we played that game till about 11pm.

Friday, I slept in and then we all got in the truck and drove around to pick up a bale of hay and get some corn stalks to decorate Jane’s front porch.  This was a fun little adventure.  Then the afternoon was spent just hanging out.  That night we went to the horse movie, I think its called Secretarian.  It was a good show.  Had good values and lessons.

Saturday, I didn’t sleep in.  I think I woke up about 7:30a.  We had talked the night before about stuff and it was a lot to think about.  So my mind started thinking about it at 7:30 in the morning.  So I decided that I needed some time alone to think and meditate.  I grabbed a blanket and tried to quietly go up the stairs and out the front door and sat on the front porch.  I guess I wasn’t quiet enough because they heard me.  Gene came out and wondered what I was doing out there.  I told him, I just felt like sitting outside.  He laughed and then by that time, Jane and John came out.  John then sat with me and we talked a little more.  He could tell that everything we had been talking about this weekend was on my mind.  So we sat outside for a little longer and talked and then his mom came out to tell us to come eat.  The rest of the day we worked on a sprinkler, his mom baked and we watched some football.  That night, John and I spent the time talking about different things that we had on our minds.  It was a good talk.

Sunday, we went to church.  I think that is just about all I have to say about that.  Haha.  It wasn’t bad, it was just church.

Overall, it was a great weekend.  It was so much fun to see John interact with his parents and see the love that he has for them.  I am actually meeting one of his brother’s tonight. Wish me luck.

It’s Official

Haha, ok I’m laughing because I am probably the most giddy girl right now.  In my previous post, I introduced you to John.  Well as of last night, we are now officially boyfriend and girlfriend.  For one thing, its almost weird and surreal to say that just because I have never had a boyfriend.  Secondly, I’m just really happy.  Anyway, I just wanted to let you know. 🙂


Well, ok so its been a little while since I have posted something.  So here is the update…

I have been working side jobs at a reception venue, Rose Sachs Gardens.  I help out doing event managing for some of the weddings there.  It is a beautiful place.  If you get the chance, check out the website You will love it! 

To all those who do read my blog, I believe that you get the inside scoop on what is happening in my life.  For one thing, I am very open on certain topics (probably a little too open).  Anyway, so I wanted to let you know that I have been dating a really great guy for about 3 weeks now.  I know you are wondering all the details and of course I am going to fill you in.  His name is John Ekins, he is 27 and in his last year of school at the U of U.  He is studying to be an athletic trainer.  He is from Delta, Ut.  He actually grew up with my cousin Kyle and they played football together in high school.  He also knows my Grandpa and my cousin Andy.  Small world. 

How we met…Most of you know that I love country dancing.  John also loves it.  So it was the week of labor day weekend and I went dancing with Lyndsi and Sarah.  I saw John and just asked him to dance.  From there we just hit it off, we have quite a lot of things in common.  Labor day weekend came around and he came and spent the whole weekend with me and my family.  It was soooo much fun.  It was a great way to start to get to know him and for him to see me in probably one of the most comfortable settings and places that I love.  We had a great time hiking around, hiking the river, watching movies and he’s a really good kisser :).  So yeah….it was a lot of fun!  And since then we do stuff off and on when our schedules allow and it has been great.  I will for sure keep you posted as this all develops, but consider me one happy girl.

For the most part, that was the biggest update. And since its very exciting, I had to share.


Utah weather changes everyday.  I think this state has unique weather patterns.  It could be raining, sunny, windy, snowing all in one day.  You would think that you had traveled to a different place, but to your dismay you are still in Utah.  To my delight this last storm not only left our house without power, but it brought cooler temperatures and a clean city.  I enjoy a good gully washer rainstorm.  With cooler temps, school starting and the change of season coming it only gets me thinking about autumn decorations! 

I LOVE to decorate!!!

If there is something you didn’t know about me, it is that I love to create, re-arrange and make objects look beautiful.  Thankfully, I have a mom who lets me paint the house different colors, hang pictures on the walls and do home improvement projects.  Most recently, I stripped the porch, painted the walls, scraped and painted the window frames.  I usually never know when a project will spark my interest, but when it does, I am all gung-ho on making it happen.  (that’s how I got dad to move downstairs)

Because this change in weather has got me thinking about autumn, I think it is time to clean up the house and bring out rich colored decorations and really make the feel of the house transform.  I am a huge fan of making crafts to use around the house.  I probably have an over abundance of different things I have created living in different spots around the house. 

While I start to plan to what I do, I take inspiration from different pictures from websites.  (and yes, Martha Stewart living is usually included as inspiration)  Some of my favorite things to decorate with are pumpkins, leaves, acorns, well really just everything and anything that reminds me of the autumn spirit.  Warm colors, warm sweaters, crunchy leaves and the smell of the season changing.

As soon as I figure out my autumn project, I will share, but for the moment I am taking suggestions. 



Am I missing something?  I don’t think so.  I haven’t lost my keys or shoes in a while, well except I can’t find the other sandal, but that’s not a big deal.  So what is it that I am really missing? 

In August of 2005, I started my college career at the University of Utah.  Since then I had been taking classes each fall and spring semester for 5 years.  I always took the summer off to rest, earn money and just enjoy.  Now that Summer 2010 is over, I am not going back to school.  It is a very strange feeling.  I didn’t buy books, parking pass, school supplies or even new clothes.  All of these things make up the start of what seemingly would be a successful school semester, but now I don’t know what to set my goals toward.  All of these non-happenings have left me in a void state. 

Now what?  I have no idea.  I have a job, which I plan on staying at through the winter.  I’m going to Hawaii in November and to the cabin the next two weekends.  I’m doing these things, but is that really filling the void that I have at the moment?  Well, yes I guess to a certain point it is.  These trips do give me something to look forward to, but they are only short-term.  Looking long-term, which I try not to because it is hard to think about the unknown.  Maybe I’m not supposed to look at how I can fill the void, but more how I can find a way to get to feeling ok about it.  Not sure. 

So now, I think it is time to put my best foot forward and start looking for something that will become fulfilling for me as I keep moving forward.  So here is what I am thinking of:

1. Finding a second job to learn something new

2. Taking a class to learn a new skill (i.e. cake decorating)

3. Home improvement projects

Well those are a few of the ideas I have had.  I am open to suggestions.

Wedding Bliss

This week, I have 3 weddings to attend.  All of which I am very excited for.  The first of the 3 is Katie and Chandler.  I met Katie in Alpha.  She is a darling girl. Always willing to help, be a friend and just loves life.  I am truly happy for her to have found the man of her dreams.  The 2nd wedding I will be attending is Jake and Janice.  This couple is darling. I guess it would be cliché to say that they are made for each other, but they really are.  They have so much fun together and you can see it when you are with them. 

The last wedding this week is for Amanda and Trevor.  I met Amanda in Alpha about 4 years ago.  We have become very good friends over the years. She is a darling girl and I know will make Trevor happy.  Trevor is a great guy.  He is perfect for Amanda.  I am lucky and very excited to be a bridesmaid in their wedding. 

Here is my toast to all of the Happy Couples:

To my friends so dear, I wish you the best in all that you do.  May your adventures take you to wherever your heart desires.  Always love one another with all of your heart.  Be kind, sweet and nourish each others souls.  Stay true to who you are and always accept your mate for who they are.  Live life to the fullest and never look back.  I love you all very much.  Congratulations!


Ok…since a bunch of change has been happening, I thought it was time to spruce up the blog page a bit. Well, really…I didn’t do anything except choose a background and click a couple of buttons, but I like it. Hope you like it too!

Forget What Were Told…

I love the song “Chasing Cars” by Snow Patrol.  It has to be one of my favorites.  I blast it in the car, repeat it on the internet playlist and sing all of the words.  There is something about the lyrics, melodies and notes of the song itself. 

I think that it is interesting how songs and music in general play some kind of role in our lives.  There are songs that can match our mood to the T.  No matter if you are sad, happy, angry or scared, there is a song that may have lyrics or melodies that represent your present mood.  This song tunes into my wants and desires.  I want to find this in my life and live it the rest of my days. 

Chasing Cars, has a couple of different meanings to me.  The one that stands out mostly from the lyrics is that there is hope for someone to be with you and do everything with you and be that companion.  At the end of a verse, the lyric poses a question, “would you lie with me and just forget the world?”  Honestly, who wouldn’t want this.  However, I don’t think that it necessarily has to be a boyfriend or girlfriend, it could be one of your best friends.  It is all about someone who will support you and be there for you.  A friend-mate is very important to me.  They are the person that I can confide in.  They are someone who I can be silly with, laugh with, cry with and just be myself with.  Once you have found your friend-mate, you know that every happy, sad, angry moments will workout because you have that person you can depend on.

The other meaning of this song for me, is a desire.  These lyrics describe who I want to be with.  I want someone to lie with me and forget the world.  The two of you are in this together.  You are supporting one another.  I love the lyric, “I need your grace, to remind me to find my own.”  We all get lost trying to find our best selves.  There will always be times when we fall and need help to get back up.  With where my life is right now, I feel that I am only singing half of the lyrics.  I haven’t quite found my other half to lay with me and forget the world.  One day I will, one day I will forget the world and it will just be the two of us.

We’ll do it all
On our own

We don’t need
Or anyone

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me
And just forget the world?

I don’t quite know
How to say
How I feel

Those three words
Are said too much
They’re not enough

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me
And just forget the world?

Forget what we’re told
Before we get too old
Show me a garden
That’s bursting into life

Let’s waste time
Chasing cars
Around our heads

I need your grace
To remind me
To find my own

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me
And just forget the world?

Forget what we’re told
Before we get too old
Show me a garden
That’s bursting into life

All that I am
All that I ever was
Is here in your perfect eyes
They’re all I can see

I don’t know where
Confused about how as well
Just know that these things
Will never change for us at all

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me
And just forget the world?

Soul Searching

Well, considering that it has been a little while since I have posted, I thought I would write a little something.

Now with school finally over, I took my extra time to take on a 2nd job, which didn’t work out as a good fit for me.  I have also been taking on different projects around the house.  The first major project was to scrape the goop off of the front porch, then to paint the walls, and railing.  Along with the front beautification process, I also painted the trim around the windows.  As of right now, we only have the front door to paint.  It has been quite an undertaking, but it all looks pretty good if I do say so myself.

What is next for me, well to tell you the truth, I have no idea.  I am done with school at least for now, I am debt free except a car payment and I really don’t have any attachments (romantically concerned).  So the big question now is, What to do?  I have had a thought of moving to North Carolina to stay with a friend while she goes to school.  The other idea is to go work in Montana at a ranch for a few months in the fall.  I just really don’t know what I am going to do.  The nice thing is that I don’t have to make a decision right away, but I need to be thinking about it.  I guess its time to go do some good soul-searching. 

For the last five years, I have had a plan.  Now, no plan.  It’s not that I need a for sure plan, I just need a direction to take.  I feel like I would do well on my own in the real world.  I know I would be able to trust myself and my values would stay strong.  I just want to know what to do next.  I know that marriage is still a little ways off.  I know what you all will say, but I know that I still have time before I get married.  So right now I just need to find out who I really am and take this time to develop that person. 

Well, as always, I am open to suggestions.  In the end, I know that it will be up to me and God to make that final decision, but I know that I need to work on it till I get there.

As I am writing this post, I almost feel like I have written the same thing about 3 times, which if I have, then I am sorry that you had to read it, but I think I just needed to say it at least for myself. 

Time for some soul-searching, I’ll let you know if I find myself.